
Shia | shia's Pedigree | JR | JR's pedigree | Misty | Misty's Pedigree | Shadow's Dream | Shadow's Pedigree | Mailbag | Links / Webrings | Contact Me
K & D Stables

JR is our young Paint stallion.

We purchased Jr last summer when he was a little over a year old. Since then he has grown like a bad weed. He loves attention, and he loves being around people. When he is in his stall, he always comes over to say hello.
JR is a registered Tobiano Paint, we have not tested him for the Homozygous gene yet.
Please check out his pedigree and some of his pictures.

JR and Shia out for a little run.

JR portrait

Upcoming Shows


Watch here for any upcoming shows I know about, for example:


June 23/24,2001 Carp Fairgrounds, Carp, Ontario

Second show to be held same place August 11/12 2001

